Cyber Nations Wiki

On the 8th May 2011 the President of Bekolan, Michael Kenny gave a televised speech announcing the declaration of War on the JBRican-based Anti-Infidel League of the Islamic Resistance and the National Revolutionary Front. This declaration marked the Bekolanish entry into the Jihad war.

"We may regret this declaration but at this moment we are sure that it is necessary for the protection of our people. Joining STOP has influenced and made a big impact on this decision. Our Allies, the United States of JBR and the Union of Midway are countrys in need and in chaos. We cannot stand around and watch innoncent civilians get slaughtered, it is for this reason that we are officialy declaring war on the Anti-Infidel League of the Islamic Resistance and the National Revolutionary Front. "

Our main goals of this campaign is to

  • Stop all slaughtering of innocent civilians by AIL and NRF.
  • Capture or Kill the NRF terror leader Johtaja.
  • Restore peach to all countries affected by the Jihad War.


Michael Kenny, President

Richard McAlleese, Vice President

After the declaration[]

On 9th May 2011 6000 Bekolanish troops left Bekolan and made their way to the friendly nation of JBR to await further instructions.
