Cyber Nations Wiki
Bassols Counter-Revolution
Date September 13, 2011
Location Aldebaran, Union of Midway
Cause Fidel Bassols incites counter-revolution.
Status Ended; Counter-Revolutionary defeat.
JBR Midway Provisional Government of Midway MidwayFlag Union of Midway
JBR Midway CSMW leadership
JBR Midway Angus Robinson
MidwayFlag Fidel Bassols‡
4,000 Police officers
17,000+ soldiers
700 Counter-revolutionaries
Casualties and losses
3 injured All arrested
‡ Captured

The Bassols Counter-Revolution was an attempted counter-revolution by Fidel Bassols, a Spanish immigrant into Midway. Fidel was discontent not with the Midwayan government, but the constant change in government. He didn't expect to start a counter-revolution when he did, but was hoping to do so when it happened. He started the counter-revolution by standing in a crowd and singing the national anthem of Midway, the Internationale. This raised patriotism to a point when the crowd spontaneously began demonstrations, much of if violent, against the Provisional Government of Midway. This violence was quickly responded with police and military force, and all were arrested within an hour. The Provisional Government of Midway used this as a reason to justify strict laws they had previously imposed, and imposed several new ones as well. They then proceeded to form the Republic of Midway.
