Cyber Nations Wiki
Cyber Nations Wiki
Official Flag of Anyplace

National Flag
illa chips they es postulo magis sal salis!
National Anthem
Magical Generation
Location of Anyplace
Capital City Utoipia
Official Language(s) English
Demonym Anyone
Established 09/14/2008
(5,971 days old)
Government Type Communist Communist
Ruler LittleRena
Alliance Argent
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Nation Team Team: Pink Pink
Statistics as of 19/08/2022
Total population 77,431
  42,249 civilians
  35,182 soldiers
Literacy Rate 92.19%%
Religion None None
Currency Pound Pound
Infrastructure 4,099.99
Technology 511.94
Nation Strength 22,062.108
Nation Rank 1,456 of 5,242
Total Area 2,822.683 Nation Map
Environment 4.0 stars (9.20 [5.00])
War/Peace War is an option for Anyplace. Currently at war!
Nuclear Weapons Nuke 14 nukes
Native Resources Uranium Lead
Connected Resources Aluminum Fish Lumber Iron Coal Gold Rubber Wheat Oil Marble
Bonus Resources Steel Automobile Construction Microchips Radiation Asphalt Scholar

Anyplace is a medium sized, somewhat developed, and ancient nation at 924 days old with citizens primarily of Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Hinduism. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Anyplace work diligently to produce Wheat and Cattle as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. The military of Anyplace has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. Anyplace allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Anyplace detains individuals who participate in slanderous comments about the government. The government gives foreign aid when it can, but looks to take care of its own people first. Anyplace will not make deals with another country that has a history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.

Statistical Information[]

The following tables desplay statistical information of Anyplace including the wonders that have been built in the nation.

Population Ratio
Type Percent Number
71.63% 44,182
28.37% 17,500
Ratio: 2.525
Casualty Ratio
Type Percent Number
31.845% 218,093
68.155% 539,550
Ratio: 0.467
Infra To Tech Ratio
Thing Percent Number
68.175% 4,499.99
31.825% 2,100.67
Ratio: 2.142 (>1.5)
Infra To Land Ratio
Thing Percent Number
57.378% 4,499.99
42.622% 3,342.702
Ratio: 1.346 (<2)

Anyplace's Wonders (15)
Agriculture Development Program Mining Industry Consortium 
Anti-Air Defense Network Moon Base 
Central Intelligence Agency Moon Colony 
Disaster Relief Agency Moon Mine 
Fallout Shelter System Movie IndustryCheck-icon
Federal Aid Commission National Environment Office 
Foreign Air Force Base National Research LabCheck-icon
Great MonumentCheck-iconNational War MemorialCheck-icon
Great TempleCheck-iconNuclear Power Plant 
Great UniversityCheck-iconPentagonCheck-icon
Hidden Nuclear Missile SiloCheck-iconScientific Development Center 
InternetCheck-iconSocial Security SystemCheck-icon
Interstate SystemCheck-iconSpace ProgramCheck-icon
Manhattan ProjectCheck-iconStrategic Defense InitiativeCheck-icon
Mars Base Stock MarketCheck-icon
Mars Colony Universal Health Care 
Mars Mine Weapons Research Complex 


The leader of Anyplace is Princess Rena, her title is not Queen because the nation is actually under the posetion of an unknown conglomerate monarchy which rules many other nations, only the leader of each knows the true head of state as well as knowing all of the other nations under the overall rule however Princess Rena does maintain overall control of this individual nation but power can be taken away as easy as it has been given to her by her perants.

Many know Princess Rena as LittleRena and this is how she is referred in the wider community of Bob.

LittleRena founded the alliances The Righteous and Powerful Society and later The Peoples Community, however before that, her nation flew the banner of The Foreign Division for many years.



Seat distribution in Parliament

Laws of Anyplace are made by the Parliament which is elected every 2 years, there have only been 2 elections since the founding of Anyplace so far, previously, the land and laws where made by the formally UK Westminster Government but after the split of verious parts, new parliaments like the one in Anyplace sprung up. The latest elections occurred on the 13th June 2011 returning the Peoples First Party in coaltion with the Democrat party.

(PFP = Peoples First Party | D = Democrats)

  • Prime Minister: Jack Rowland (PFP)
  • Deputy Prime Minister: Jenny Balling (D)
  • Cabinet Minister: Richard Anyone (PFP)
  • Head of the Bank of Anyplace: Sir Mike Fowler (PFP)
  • Minister of Finance: Jane Richards (PFP)
  • Minister of Defence: Barry Frost (PFP)
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Jess Bishop (D)
  • Minister of Justice: William Bradshaw (D)
  • Minister of Education: Lord Fred Dillhill (PFP)

National History[]

On the 23rd of September 2008, the nation of Anyplace joined the alliance of The Foreign Division, switiching it's bloc grouping from Pink to Blue in order to fully integrate with the alliance, the people of Anyplace where happy to do so and provided fellow blue nations with Cattle and Wheat in exchange for their resources.

However, after the Bipolar War, ministers within Anyplace became outspoken about their desire to move back to the Pink bloc, LittleRena tried to hold this off for as long as possible but ultimately it lead to the formation of the pink alliance The Rosey and Pink Society, unwilling to cut her ties with the Foreign Division, the alliance was under their protection, later joining the Peace and Love Train Accords and a while later changing it's name to The Righteous and Powerful Society.

The Righteous and Powerful Society grew as an alliance but soon found itself in merger talks with other alliances, all where happy to remain on pink and this formed The Peoples Community, which later moved to white based on requests from member states of the alliance, Anyplace where happy to go with the move, as they where happy to move to blue back in 2008, LittleRena maintained ties with the Foreign Division and got an ODP passed through the alliance.

Alliance History[]

The following table is a summary of all the alliances that the nation of Anyplace has been connected to as well as the position it, as a member state, held within each allinace and who it was with during war involvement.

Alliance Join Date Leave Date Positions Held Wars Fought
TFD flag
The Foreign Division
September 23, 2008 February 23, 2010
(518 days)
July 2009 - January 2010
January 2010 - February 2010
Karma War
April 23–28, 2009
December 27, 2009 - January 2, 2010
GOD, \m/
Bipolar War
January 27 - February 20, 2010
See TFD Conflicts
TRaPS Flag 1
The Rosey and Pink Society
February 23, 2010 June 22, 2010 (name changed)
(119 days)
Grand Princess
February 23 - June 22, 2010
TRaPS Flag 1
The Righteous and Powerful Society
June 22, 2010 October 7, 2010 (merged)
(107 days)
Grand Princess
June 22 - October 7, 2010
TPC Norm
The Peoples Community
October 7, 2010 June 13, 2012 (merged)
(615 days)

High Council (Defunct)
October 2010 - January 2011
Council (Defunct)
October 2010 - January 2011
Minister of Diplomacy (Defunct)
October 2010 - January 2011
January 2011 - March 2011

Secretary of Foreign Affairs
August 2011 - January 2012 Chariperson
January 2012 - June 2012

TPC Rogue Battle
January 5–16, 2011
<acronym title="The Peoples Community Rogues">TPC Rogues</acronym>, Littles Death
PB-NpO War
January 30 - February 7, 2011
TPC Rebellion
March 12–16, 2011
<acronym title="The Peoples Community (DrakeZ07)">TPC (DrakeZ07)</acronym>
Fark-NPO War
December 10, 2011 - January 15, 2012
The Phoenix Federation
June 13, 2012 October 17, 2017
(1,952 days)
June 13, 2012
Dave War
June 13 — August 6, 2012
Equilibrium War
January 18 — March 27, 2013
Jihad on Neutrality
September 16 - October 31, 2013
Disorder War
31 Oct 2013 — 17 Feb 2014
Oculus–MI6 War
October 9 - December 12, 2015
A Valentine From TPF
February 15, 2016 - October 17, 2017
Flag of Argent
April 8, 2021 Member
April 8, 2021
Pink Team Senator
May 1, 2022
Herogasm War
June 25, 2022 -