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Cyber Nations Wiki
Al Maghrib
Official Flag of Al Maghrib

National Flag
National Seal of Al Maghrib
National Seal
الله، الوطن، الملك (Arabic)

"Allāh, al Waţan, al Malik" (transliteration)
"God, Fatherland , King

National Anthem
"Al Mamlakatu'l-Maghribiya" (anthem)
Location of Al Maghrib
Capital City Al Ribat
Official Language(s) Arabic, English, French
Established 9/1/2006
(6,721 days old)
Government Type Monarchy Monarchy
Ruler King Hassan
King Hassan
Alliance Blood For Friends
Blood For Friends
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Nation Team Team: Pink Pink
Statistics as of 2/3/2007
Total population 9,129
 6,798 civilians
 2,331 soldiers
Literacy Rate 55.70%
Religion Islam Islam
Currency Dinar Dinar
Infrastructure 740
Technology 90
Nation Strength 5,160.279
Nation Rank Ranked #6,036 of 40,696 total nations of 5,242
Total Area 461.971 Nation Map
Native Resources Lead Water
Connected Resources Coal Oil Wheat Iron Lumber Spices Uranium

Al Maghrib is a medium sized, well developed, and ancient nation at 1640 days old with citizens primarily of Arab-Berber ethnicity whose religion is Islam. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Al Maghrib work diligently to produce Lead and Water as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. Plans are on the way within Al Maghrib to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its citizens of the dangers of drug use. Al Maghrib allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It welcomes all new immigrants with open borders. Al Maghrib believes in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizen's right to speak freely about their government. The government gives foreign aid when it can, but looks to take care of its own people first. Al Maghrib will not make deals with another country that has a history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.

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