Cyber Nations Wiki
Cyber Nations Wiki

I sing of the men who crusaded for Pacifica,
Whose mighty arms the audacious foe so excellently did subdue,
Whose conquests through the spacious world do ring,
And who worthily deserve acknowledgement as the heroes they are
To their homeland and their grateful comrades.
What Pacificans in their frenzy did not
Cry out against the maliciousness of the foe?
What worse sight had we all seen?
The foe and his shining weapons sought Pacifica,
Determined to devastate what’s been there ever since it was built,
Emperor’s Palace and Fort Francograd,
The districts and institutions and houses,
He wanted to set them on fire so bluntly.
Golden vestments stolen,
Awards and medals in the mud,
Ruined buildings wherever I looked,
The dusty streets of a ruined city,
I visualized what might occur.

Suddenly there rose before my eyes
The strangely magnified image of Pacifica’s heroes
Fighting on the battlefield,
Utilizing their arms and bare hands,
In order to fight the reason-repallent rogue,
Who cosseted his evil dreams ever since he brandished his sword the first time.

I was stupefied with horror initially; my hair stood on end; my voice
Got caught in my throat. Then one of them told me,
Whilst he stood in the midst of the perilous fight:
"Citizen of Pacifica who you are passing by,
Run and tell those in the town that,
As our duty and their law obliges,
We here fight. None of us shall ever yield
And let the enemy enter."

Therefore I ran to the town
Spreading the news of their gallant deeds.
The burning fires and the ubiquitous smell of death,
The flood of flames and the clouds of dust were coming
Nearer and nearer.
I watched Pacifica’s heroes approaching to the Western gate of the town,
Coming so late from the fighting and the carnage,
And I cannot presume to touch their weaponry,
As I beheld them in full panoply
And their pensive faces.

And so, the night being over,
They returned to their comrades where they were, and
I was amazed to see,
How many others, women and men, had come
cheering and celebrating the true heroes of Pacifica.
By now the morning star was rising over
The highest ridges of the near mountain, bringing in
The day that was beginning,
To be another one for the glory of the home we call Pacifica.

Dedicated to the Heroes of Pacifica,

WorldConqueror, Wentworth, ADude, William Bonney and Necoho.

Authored by Caius Alexandrian on November 5, 2010.
