Cyber Nations Wiki
Date May 29 - June 3, 2008
Result White peace; tech deal
Preceded by
Golden Sabres War
Succeeded by
Atlantic Empire
Nations: 137
Total NS: 1,867,598
Nukes: 233
Average NS: 13,635
Score: 7.68

103,736 land
385,847 infra.
59,887 tech
1,825,727 soldiers
130,163 tanks
1,847 cruise missiles

Nations: 28
Total NS: 163,002
Nukes: 0
Average NS: 5,822
Combined Score: 0.84

10,535 land
39,737 infra.
3,164 tech
121,692 soldiers
5,640 tanks
189 cruise missiles

Timeline and References[]

May 29, 2008

May 30, 2008

  • 4:37 PM: Ragnarok withdraws support and cancels AE-RoK MoADP.

June 3, 2008


* White peace
  • A special tech deal, outlined below

Tech Deal Information: AE will buy 1500 tech for 60mil from FINAL. This comes out to 4 million per 100 tech on average.

For the mathematically impaired, here is an example of how this can be done properly:

  • 1000 tech @ 3mil per 100 tech
  • 500 tech @ 3mil per 50 tech

Signed in good faith,

For Atlantic Empire,

  • Augusta Antonia, Acting Triumvir
  • x Tela x, Foreign Affairs Advisor


  • Master Plo Koon, Acting President
AE-FINAL Peace Terms

Bunghole Jargis tells this story.(BIASED) (AE)[]

This war began 5000 years ago in the future last Thursday.

The Atlantic Empire wished to aid in the improving and rebuilding of FINAL because we were BFF's! ^.^! But in the end many of FINAL's government and regular members went to other alliances ;_; including our own! :)! But after that they had a corrupt government that has had a history of being anti-AE ;_;! Even after that we still tried to be BFF's but they were like >:(

In a shocking turn of events it turned out there was a dirty spy in FINAL but was expelled from their cheerleading squad. But then they changed their minds and let him back in :( and even let him in the government >:(! After constant flaming, spitwads, and kick-me signs on our members in AE foreign embassies there and on IRC and a catfight after that we decided to stop hugging our Care Bears and writing in our diaries and demanded an apology which was agreed on but never came! ;_;!
Now we have got our crew and are going to smoke these Bloods yo, dig dawg?


In Ragnarok's withdraw of support and treaty cancellation, they cited a weak CB as one of their reasons. This prompted rumors of a falling out between RoK and AE government. That same day, a member of AE government (Sebastian) stepped down and issued a public apology to Van Hoo III, Emperor of Ragnarok.

This incident, along with comments from several prominent members of the Aqua community, gave a strong indication of the sphere's displeasure with AE's decision to attack an aqua alliance due to the upcoming Aqua Interalliance Cooperation & Economic Treaty, however AE had already moved to blue, although it was unannounced at the time.

See also[]

 v · d · e 
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