Cyber Nations Wiki
This alliance has disbanded
This alliance has disbanded.

1stMI was a micro alliance on the Red sphere most known for its involvement in the Reeducation of Devildogs. At the time of that war, 1stMI had 10 nations and less than 100,000 total nation strength.

Significant Red Team Alliances
CurrentNew Pacific Order
Under 20Union of Communist Republics
MovedCATOInvictaNAC(2)OD-AllianceOINR&RScreaming Red AssesSocialist Workers Front(3)The Imperial Remnant
See alsoActive:
Defunct: Union for Sphere Stability on Red (USSR) • Agora AccordsLawyers, Guns and Money DoctrineMoldavi DoctrineRed DawnRevenge DoctrineSolidarity
Currently sanctioned alliances are denoted by Bold Italicized Font. Formerly sanctioned alliances are denoted by Bold Font.
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